Friday, June 10, 2011

Final Night of Miss Saigon

Tonight is the final night of the season of Miss Saigon at the Civic, Auckland, which I was very lucky to be able to participate in... I'm excited like you won't believe, but that excitement is also tinged with sadness - this is the last night of being able to party it up with the most diverse, interesting, and yet so intelligent people I have ever met. I seem to be using the word 'excited' and 'amazing' so much during this season... I guess it's just one time where it actually is appropriate!

Especially since there are exams on Monday. Truely the Morning of the Dragon comes after the Last Night of the World, dammit!

I seem to be particularly incoherent tonight. Usually I am more facile with my words than this... that's what singing your heart out every night does for you!

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